Spruce Caesar (a.k.a. The Festivus Caesar)

WALTER caesar mix recipe

A good Caesar hits the spot anytime of the year, but to make it more seasonal, the guys behind Walter Caesar came up with this sweet, herbaceous and savoury cocktail. Make sure you have a Caesar bar ready for the next family gathering.

3 tbsp honey
1 tbsp maple sugar
1 tbsp flaked Maldon salt
1 tbsp ground sumac
3 oz. Walter Craft Caesar Mix
1 1/2 oz. rosemary gin or vodka
1 tsp sriracha hot sauce
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
3 drops celery or Angelica Bitters
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp sherry
1 sprig rosemary, to garnish
1 dill pickle, to garnish
1 wedge lemon, to garnish

Dip rim of a rocks glass upside down in a small dish with honey. In a separate small shallow dish wider than the glass, combine maple sugar, salt and sumac. Dip glass into seasoning mixture to your desired level of rim seasoning. We recommend heavily seasoning half the glass, but you can try it each way.

Fill glass to the brim with ice. Add Walter Craft Caesar Mix, rosemary gin or vodka, hot sauce, Worcestershire, bitters and lemon Juice. Stir gently but thoroughly with bar spoon.

Gently “float” the sherry by pouring it over the back of the bar spoon, so it stays mostly on top, but starts to trickle down into the drink.

To garnish, place rosemary sprig in the end of your pickle, so it fans out the top. Slice lemon and place on edge of glass.

Enjoy the season of Caesars!