Daily bite: Saskatchewan craft brewing pioneer, Dr. Beverly Robinson passes away

Founder and owner of Regina's Bushwakker Brewing passes away

Image for Daily bite: Saskatchewan craft brewing pioneers, Dr. Beverly Robinson passes away
photo of Dr. Beverly Robinson courtesy of Bushwakker Brewing Company's Facebook page.

Sad news came out of Regina, Saskatchewan by way of Bushwakker Brewpub when it was publicly announced that its co-founder and president, Dr. Beverly Robinson had paased away on Sunday, November 19th after battling cancer.

Previous to co-owning and operating Saskatchewan's longest running craft brewpub, Robinson spent years brewing at home and fine tuning his craft (no pun intended), as well as being instrumental in helping push through legislation in the late 1980s that would then allow brewpubs to operate successfully in the province. Since opening in 1991, Bushwakker Brewing has become one of the most well-known brewpubs in the country and continues to garner plenty of media attention, both regionally and nationally.

Surely, he will be fondly remembered by family, friends and beer aficionados alike for a variety of reasons, including being a founding father of the Canadian craft brewing scene. If that isn't worth a cheers, I'm not sure what is.