There's standard holiday baking, which we've got nothing against, and then there's baked goods from Duchess Bake Shop. Since we don't all live in Edmonton, we can't simply swing by the patisserie to pick up some macarons, croissants and the like on a whim. Lucky for us, though, they've put out a new cookbook!
The Duchess Bake Shop cookbook was self-published and isn't readily available on the shelves of Chapters and the like (yet), so it's not like you can just walk into a bookstore and flip through this book, which all kinds of pastry and baking goodness. When you finally get your hands on this one, you must resist the urge to eat the pages. Yes, the pictures are that good.
Now, for the question! For the sanity of all chefs and bakers out there in the world, please tell us what the difference is between a macaron and a macaroon.