Ron Scott
Ron lives in Calgary, Alberta and loves all things beer and whisky. When not spending time with his family or friends, he can be found running in the mountains, or relaxing with a fine cigar or pipe.

Two Edmonton Breweries Under Fire for Water Support
Alley Kat and Bent Stick under pressure from OHV enthusiasts

9 Canadian beers to drink by the fire this winter
Now that we have moved beyond pumpkin spice season, the beers have gotten darker, and brewers are tasked with the difficult challenge of making and selling a cold-weather beer that isn't identical to the endless rows of pumpkin ales already on the

Behind the brite tank: Steven Black
Steven Black’s brewing adventures began as many do: at home. Although he faced challenges initially, he knew he had the skills to brew well, and was determined to find work brewing.

7 New Canadian breweries to follow
The beer business is booming right now, and the best evidence of that is the number of breweries popping up on what seems like a daily basis.

Sour ale, the new IPA
What sour beers are, the popular styles and the Canadian sour beers you should be drinking this summer.

8 Canadian summer beers to drink now
Patio season is finally here, and that means it’s time to reach for those crushable and cold Canadian beers! With craft breweries popping up almost daily, there’s certainly no shortage of options when it comes to selecting a great summer beer.