Canadian DYK: The McIntosh apple was discovered and domesticated in Canada

The McIntosh apple is a distinctly Canadian fruit

The humble apple, rich in symbolism, has significance in many stories and events, from Newton's discovery of gravity to the biblical narrative of the Garden of Eden.

So, it's especially fitting and interesting that the McIntosh apple has a storied origin. Mr. John McIntosh, the founder of his namesake apple, ran from New York State in search for his love, whose parents had taken her to Upper Canada.

The story is that she had died by the time he found her, and he eventually settled near the St. Lawrence River and found a new love.

McIntosh tried to tend to a small piece of land he traded for, but it was overgrown and unkempt, except for a few little seedlings that were determined to pop up through the overgrown foliage. McIntosh saw these strong little bushes and transplanted them to his own personal garden in 1811.

He had minimal success with keeping these seedlings alive, but he kept pushing. When one finally bore fruit, it was a beautiful tart apple that we know today as the McIntosh.

Every single McIntosh apple we eat today is a relative of that one seedling that Mr. McIntosh managed to keep alive. Our pies, juices and ciders are better for it.