There's plenty of good news for the Canadian food industry in the past week. The ban of the trans fats in Canada was announced on Monday. In the next couple of years, all products that include PHOs should disappear from the grocery stores. The good changes for Canadian consumers continue with the release of official certification marks that help shoppers find sustainably produced Canadian beef products. Finish your news recap with an interesting review of the Italian restaurant, Pepino’s Spaghetti House.
Here's the details on what you may have missed in food news across Canada this week.
Trans fats banned in Canada

Eating healthier just got easier. The Canadian government officially banned the main source of artificial trans fats, or partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), this Monday. This change in Canadian nutrition policy will occur gradually. The products containing trans fats will be still available in the grocery stores for the next two years.
Read more about the story in Global News.
Tax relief for Canadian livestock operators
Canadian livestock operators will receive tax relief from the Canadian government because of the extensive drought that hit southern Canada. The lack of rain has taken its toll and resulted in the shortage of feed for livestock. According to farmers, some areas had only an inch-and-a-half of rain this year.
Read more about the story at Global News.
CRSB releases new labels for sustainably-produced beef

The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) has released certification marks that indicate sustainable production of the beef products. At least 30 per cent of the beef in Canadian grocery outlets has to be produced sustainably, and the new mark should make it easier for consumers to recognize such products.
Read more about the story in Food in Canada.
A decrease in sales boosts supermarkets' innovation
Supermarket sales in Canada are decreasing, and the retailers are coming up with innovative offers to attract more customers. Walmart's one-hour delivery service and T&T Supermarket's savoury crepe stations are only a few of many tactics that are supposed to drag customers out of their homes for a weekend grocery shopping trip.
Read more about what to expect in the Canadian grocery stores in this CBC News article.
Pepino’s Spaghetti House attempts to recreate Italian nostalgia

Canadian restaurants trying to create an authentically Italian experience is nothing new, but very few of them truly introduce their guests to real Italian flavours. Is Pepino’s Spaghetti House successful in this task?
Check out this review by Alexandra Gill in The Globe and Mail.