Updated April 9, 2019
Do you ever look at an Instagram feed and think to yourself: "I really hope the future of food media isn't just food porn with emoticons and poor grammar?" Us. too.
We know that there are talented emerging writers out there in Canada and our inaugural Rising Awards is our way to find and help cultivate them.
The criteria
This writing competition is open to all grade 12 high school students, full-time post-secondary students of all ages in Canada who are pursuing degrees, or have a minor in a writing-related field as well as recent graduates (2017, 2018) of said fields. We are looking for individuals who have a natural ability to tell a story and capture our attention, who can show us the spark of good storytelling. We want to feel transported by your writing.
Make us want to eat at that restaurant right now. Make us feel like we're walking through that Nova Scotian vineyard with you. Make us want to run to the farmers' market and cook a big meal at home for family and friends.
Make us think.
And it goes without saying that spelling, grammar and proper article and story structure are important as well.
The categories
Foodservice (800-1,500 words): This category is meant to encompass all things in the restaurant and culinary retail world, from a local restaurant with an interesting approach to cooking or a market stand selling some of the best baking in your region to a profile of a rags-to-riches caterer. If you are inspired by someone serving up food and drink in some way or another, this is the category to submit to.
Agricultural production (800-1,500 words): There are so many contributing factors that help make our Canadian food scene so diverse, but they all start with our ingredients. Where would we be without all of our farmers, producers, agricultural scientists and viticulturalists who have dedicated their lives to growing and making staple ingredients like lentils, mustard, canola, livestock and wine. In this category, we are looking for writing submissions that showcase things such as a unique growing region in Canada or a local farmer going above and beyond with what she grows.
Culinary fictional short story (800-2,000 words): What's the fun of food if we can't dream about it? Culinary stories don't have to be journalistic to inspire or excite readers about food. Do you want to tell a whimsical tale of a young girl who learns to bake decadent cakes through vivid dreams of travelling around the world? We want to read it. Truly, the sky is the limit with this particular creative writing category.
The deadline
All submissions must be received through our submission form (see below) by 7:59 p.m. (MST) June 3, 2019.
The prizes
The winners in each category will be awarded a $1,000 cash scholarship, a cookbook collection courtesy of Appetite by Random House, select Google hardware and a $200 Joey Restaurants gift card.
The runner-up in each category will be awarded a $500 cash scholarship, three cookbooks, courtesy of Appetite by Random House, and a $100 Joey Restaurants gift card.
Winners will be announced June 19, 2019 and winning submissions will be published on EatNorth.com beginning Monday, June 24, 2019 as a celebratory lead-up to Canada Day.
The judging process
For 2019, the Rising Awards submissions will be judged exclusively by the Eat North editorial team.
Each category will have one first place and one runner-up writer, all of which will be announced on Wednesday, June 19, 2019.
Read more about our reasoning behind launching this new emerging food writers' scholarship competition and if you still have a question, reach out to us here.

Blue Jay Sessions artist submission form
Here is the submisson information for our next event series