Craig Silliphant
Craig is a writer and critic, focusing on film, music, and of course, food and drink. He is the editor of pop culture website The Feedback Society and you can find him in places like Planet S Magazine, Saskatoon HOME Magazine, Newstalk 650 CKOM, and with the occasional appearance in The National Post and CTV Television.

Black Fox Farm and Distillery flaunts the bounty of the Prairies in its spirits
Set in a picturesque area above the river valley, Black Fox Farm and Distillery is the perfect pastoral setting from which to take liquor production back to its

Classic cocktails with Ayden's Chad Coombs
The popularity of classic cocktails has been on a sharp rise in North America for the last few years, and that’s no exception even in a smaller, less cosmopolitan city like Saskatoon.

9 Saskatoon restaurants we miss
Here are some of our favourite restaurants that have closed since the late 80s.

From fast to fancy: 8 places to go for burgers in Saskatoon
If you love burgers, you have to go to all of these restaurants

Saskatchewan's Hole in the Wall marries Peruvian traditions with prairie charm
The best food to come out of a gas station in Canada's prairies

Herschel Hills: Saskatoon's artisan cheese house
Creativity and science blooms at the local shop

Lucky Bastard Distillers: Saskatoon's micro distillery crafts big flavours
How flexibility gives the small operation an advantage over major distillers

Three Farmers camelina oil: Giving olive oil a run for its money
EVOO has some serious competition