Gabriel Hall
Gabriel is a business, marketing, and corporate innovation expert by day, and a food writer/lover by night. He has lived all over North America, has travelled extensively in Asia, North America and Europe and constantly dreams of extended trips to Singapore where every food whim can be indulged. His perfect vacation is anywhere he can fly to, eat great food, and watch an F1 race at the same time. His favourite meats are duck leg, foie, and lamb rack, and favourite vegetables are grilled asparagus and on-choy in fermented beancurd sauce. Gabriel is currently a freelance writer and photographer for multiple on-line and print publications around the country. His articles focuses on food culture, events, industry life, unique foods, cooking techniques, and how food influences and affects the people and world around them. He has also served on judging panels for various food and cocktail competitions, and chef charity events including the annual Avenue magazine Best Restaurants judging panel for Calgary.

A mile in their kitchen clogs: Lessons from an outsider working at Gold Medal Plates
Four life lessons from a food fanatic helping out at the Canadian culinary competition

Catching up: A reunion of top Canadian culinary talent
Some of the best chefs in the country reunite at The Nash

Canada’s Top Chefs Stampede into Calgary
Stampede has a way of bringing people together.

Guide to the perfect dad bod
The ultimate diet and exercise plan for the most sought-after bod this summer

Introduction to food photography: The dinner table
Part two of a three-part introduction to food photography

A culinary walk-through of Hong Kong with Nicole Fung
A day of going cray with the expat of That Food Cray!!!

6 ways to get sh*tfaced on pumpkin spice
Wasted, hammered, shitfaced -- call it whatever you want, but drunkenness can also be paired with pumpkin spice.

Sharpening the next generation of chefs
From the school of hard knocks to structured culinary programs, chef training has come a long way.