Though September is creeping up on us, there is still plenty of warm, sunny weather to look forward to before fall officially arrives. With seltzers continuing to be the drink of choice for most Canadians, it comes as no surprise that new flavours are still popping up every week.
North America's premier seltzer maker White Claw just announced today that it would be releasing two new flavours to the Canadian market this week: lemon and tangerine. The two new flavours have already proven popular in the United States for some time and will now be available to purchase in Canada by way of the White Claw® Variety Pack Flavour Collection No. 2–which also contains their raspberry and watermelon seltzers.

Expect your local liquor stores to have the new White Claw variety pack on shelves by the end of the week, but one-flavour six packs–of the new flavours–do not yet have a release date.