Nothing too crazy happened in food news this week, but lots of great food things are happening across the country. Big changes are coming to the Canadian Food Guide, which is heating up the healthy eating debate. If your best furry friend is suffering from anxiety, there might be something new they could soon chew on. Indigenous bannock brunch is now offered at BigHeart Bannock Cultural Café, which reopened in a new space. Learn how Yorkdale Mall's food courts only producing three bags of waste a day. Finally, small corner stores in rural Newfoundland are promoting healthy eating.
Here's what you may have missed in food news this week.
Vancouver's only Indigenous brunch now available

Despite having access to different types of cuisine from all over the world, many people are not all that familiar with Indigenous food. BigHeart Bannock Cultural Café reopens and is now operating out of Skwachàys Lodge Aboriginal Hotel and Gallery, in downtown Vancouver and serving up brunch with bannock, bison, boar, and more!
Get the full bite on this brunch story in this Straight article.
Man’s best friend may soon be able to benefit from CBD
As cannabis-derived compounds become increasingly recognized for their ability to treat various conditions in humans, scientists are starting to explore the potential for other animals. Health Canada approves clinical trials for cannabis-derived compound CBD to treat animal anxiety.
Get the bark on this story in this The Star article.
A Canadian food court is changing the game

At Yorkdale mall in Toronto, much of the food court waste has been reduced through the use of reusable plates and cutlery (the facility now washes 75,000 dishes and 53,000 pieces of cutlery a week). The mall used to put out 120 bags of garbage a day. Now, it produces just three, despite serving 24,000 customers a day.
Learn more on this reduce, reuse, recycle story in this CBC News article.
The new Canada Food Guide is coming soon
Low carb, high protein, gluten-free, ketogenic, sugar-free, vegan—it's not hard to find conflicting information about what constitutes a healthy diet. For the first time in 11 years, Health Canada is gearing up to release a revamped food guide, even as debate continues about the best foods to promote optimal health. It can be confusing.
Read more on this story and pick a side in this CBC News article.
Eat your veggies!

Currently, rural Newfoundland residents in 84 per cent of communities have to drive out of town, sometimes for more than an hour, to stock up on produce, meaning that packaged goods like pasta and canned soup are widespread staples. Recognizing that greens is vital, small supermarkets like The Salt Box in Rencontre are putting incentive programs in place to promote the sale of fresh vegetables.
Get all the green goodness in this CBC News article.