Seeing as we live in the land of ketchup chips, the idea of a ketchup-flavoured seasoning is a familiar one to Canadians. For Americans, though, it appears to be a bit of eyebrow-raiser.
Famous for launching new quirky or innovative products throughout the year, popular American grocer Trader Joe's recently released their Ketchup Flavor Sprinkle Seasoning Blend across the country...and the response has been mixed. Take a quick glance at comments on @traderjoeslist's static post or reel (below) highlighting the new product and you'll find a nation divided.
Made with a combination of tomato powder, sugar, salt, vinegar powder, rice concentrate, garlic powder and onion powder, the ketchup-flavoured seasoning blend (available in 76 gram shakers) looks a lot paler than what we Canadians would identify as ketchup chip seasoning, but sounds like a flavour match nonetheless.
Natasha Fischer who operates the popular Trader Joe's product review Instagram account seems fairly impressed with the seasoning blend, noting that she likes it and that it would be ideal on popcorn, roast chicken or air-fried gnocchi. Sky's the limit?
Canadians visiting the United States throughout the winter should be able to find Trader Joe's Ketchup Flavor Sprinkle Seasoning Blend at any of their 560 locations across the country.
A ketchup-flavoured seasoning blend already exists in Canada

Up in Canada, we have actually had a ketchup-flavoured seasoning blend since 2000 thanks to Toronto-based popcorn company Kernels. The Kernels Ketchup Popcorn Seasoning Shaker is available at most major grocers in Canada as well as Amazon.