Back in February, while we were getting ready for the 92nd Academy Awards, it dawned on us that the combination of food and film have produced a myriad of memorable moments for us over the years.
After reaching out to some of Canada’s most notable personalities to find out which food-related scenes have been the most impactful to them, we found that on top of nostalgia, these scenes have helped to shape and contextualize the way many of us view the world of food and drink.
Now that our consumption of both food and film has increased dramatically due to social distancing, we decided to once again reach out to some of the country’s most recognizable individuals to find out if there were any scenes we missed in our first edition.
While there may be some overlap, we were pleased to find a fantastic selection of films with iconic culinary content to add to our watchlist.
Andrew Phung, comedian and actor on Kim's Convenience

I'm such a sucker for the Fast and Furious films. Who doesn't love over-the-top action and fast cars? But to me, the heart is what has made this franchise grow to 10 films, a spin off, and an animated series. (Oh yeah, there's cartoon, and it's not bad.)
The BBQ scene from the first film, The Fast and the Furious, introduces you to the concept of "family", which is repeated over and over again throughout the films. Dominic Teretto is the unofficial father figure to this group, and brings his family of misfits and street racers together for a family dinner.
This is the heart of the franchise, and this scene reminds me that we all gotta eat.
Tenille Arts, country singer

I’m a big fan of food scenes in movies; one of my favourites is from Bridesmaids! There are a few good food scenes in that movie (like the one where she beats up the giant cookie at the bridal shower), but my favourite is when Annie makes a single cupcake for herself! She makes enough just to make one cupcake with so much attention to detail.
She looks at it for a minute, and then eats it! That’s something I would do.
Jenn Sharp, author and food writer

The spaghetti and meatball scene from Lady and the Tramp. What's not to love about that scene? It combines the ultimate act of meatball chivalry with eating in a back alley, which as anyone that's travelled a bit knows, the best meals are served on dingy little tables down a side street.
Phil Wilson, food writer and More Than Maple Syrup podcast co-host

At the end of the climactic fight scene to end the first Avengers movie, Iron Man has just saved the world and plummeted back down to Earth, unconscious. After awakening and finding out they they have indeed “won,” he makes a throwaway comment that they should take tomorrow off and that there’s a shawarma place a couple blocks away that he wants to try.
Then, in the final post-credits bonus scene, the six Avengers, haggered from battle, silently eat a meal in this shawarma shop while the shopkeepers slowly clean up their half destroyed restaurant. It’s such a simple scene but utterly memorable, much how I like my food.
Amy Rosen, journalist, cookbook author

My Dinner with Andre. If the conversation at dinner was always like this, we’d never leave the bloody table! Two men, one an actor-playwright, the other a director, chat about topics ranging from the heady to the trite, at a French restaurant in Manhattan. It’s the best example of what you want to happen when you eat out: fascinating conversion, unobtrusive service, excellent food and wine (terrine de poisson, roasted quail with raisins), making for a remarkable evening.
Kelly Prescott, country singer

Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory was brilliant. The scene leading into the Nerve Centre of the Wonka Factory always seemed so magical to me. The way the hall got smaller where he says, "All of my dreams become realities and some of my realities become dreams," before opening the door to the chocolate room. The giant gummy bears, the chocolate waterfall, the mushrooms--it was a visual feast.
It's still one of my favourite films, but it always makes me feel like a kid.
Stephanie Ogilvie, chef de cuisine at Chives Canadian Bistro and Top Chef Canada Season 8 competitor

In the food fight scene from Hook, you see the Lost Boys and Peter Pan sitting down to a dinner table, ready to feast on all of their favourite foods, but it just so happens that it doesn't exist until they use their imagination to make it real. I can’t help but think we all have our own version of that happening at home right now. Most of us are home cooking and baking up a storm, imagining when we will be able to sit around the table with others to share it with.
Also, I think a food fight sounds pretty awesome right about now and would really like to make that happen this year.
Jeremy Dodge, host of CTV News at 5

One food scene that impacted me was from the classic Christmas Vacation. When Clark goes to cut the turkey in an intimate family setting, and the bird cracks open and reveals it’s been grossly overdone. The sound and the way the turkey peels back was so unexpected. Then it’s followed by a scene of the family quietly crunching through the crispy meal. And who can forget the iconic eggnog in the moose head mug?
Andrew Hyatt, country artist

I’d have to go with the spaghetti scene in Lady and the Tramp! How can you beat the underdog (no pun intended) winning over the girl over a plate of spaghetti and meatballs? The answer is: you can't!
Ryan Northcott - actor on Tribal, filmmaker at MEDIAPOP Films

In times like these, I have been gravitating to things that make me feel comfy and cozy. Robin Williams’ Mrs. Doubtfire is one of those characters and movies. I am not a spectacular cook. I try really hard, but let’s be real, it usually comes out pretty mediocre. There are so many scenes from that movie with food, but I chose the scene where Mrs. Doubtfire sets her breasts on fire while trying to make dinner, and in the end, just ends up ordering delivery, which is highly appropriate in the world we’re living in right now.
Kendall Gender, drag performer

The shopping scene in Marie Antoinette. We love sweets and diamonds. I mean, who wouldn't want that much candy when shopping for couture?
Mallory Johnson, country singer

I’m a huge fan of Bridesmaids and there are a few memorable moments that involve food. The obvious would be the unfortunate food poisoning scene in the bridal salon. However, my favourite scene is the bridal shower when Kristen Wiig’s character has a meltdown over a trip to Paris that was gifted to her best friend (bride) by the maid of honour (Wiig’s rival throughout the film). During her tantrum, Wiig destroys a huge heart-shaped cookie in the back yard and attempts to knock over a chocolate fountain.
In true SNL fashion, it’s uncomfortable in the most hilarious way.
Chris Lynch, Peak Mornings w/ Tyler & Lynch

One of my favourite food scenes from a movie, was also a nightly staple growing up when I was 19 living with 4 other roommates. The Dave Chappelle movie, Half Baked, was in “high” rotation on our TV, with one of us having to go to the store on “Munchie Duty" after losing an intense game of paper, rock scissors. “Munchie Duty" included getting as many items as possible (minus Funyuns, since you couldn’t get them up in Canada), which was on the roster of snacks from the movie.
Mike Morrison - blogger, columnist and author

I always think of the food scene in Hook. I love how the food only reveals itself if you believe its there. Not to mention that must have been a super fun scene to film.