With boxes of Halloween candy lining grocery store shelves and a couple of light snowfalls here at Eat North home base (i.e. Calgary), we are coming to terms with the fact that the warm weather is officially behind us. To balance out all of that Halloween candy we will be consuming later this month, we're making plenty of comfort foods from scratch in our kitchen and you best believe we've got the music cranked.
Our Spotify playlist recently underwent its weekly facelift and there's lots to love about it. From a great tune off of Ruby Waters' new EP to a spirited single by Jamie Fine, here are ten new songs we have been playing on repeat lately.
David Boyd Janes - Couldn’t Hurt
David Boyd Janes always brings the fun with his county rock tunes and "Couldn't Hurt" doesn't disappoint. The song is an easy listen and a perfect addition for a road trip playlist.
The Hello Darlins’ - Aberdeen
One heck of an Americana track, there is much to love about "Aberdeen" by The Hello Darlins. The understated harmonies emote beautifully and make us want to grab someone and hold them tight. Someone in our direct cohort, of course.
The Hope State - Lifetime
The man behind the indie rock act The Hope State, Taylor Johnson sadly passed away recently. A collection of his musical works was released in memorium and features many songs, many of which sound haunting now in post-mortum. "Lifetime" is a heartfelt ballad sung by Johnson over piano with a touch of strings.
Jamie Fine - Sellout
Ottawa's Jamie Fine is holding nothing back with her brand new single "Sellout". The singer's big break came by way of the first season of CTV's The Launch and now, well, it sounds like she's done with it all judgng by the lyrical content in this fiery track.
Kris Ulrich - The Less I Know The Better
This melancholy track from Winnipeg's Kris Ulrich about love lost hits you right in the gut. Sometimes not being able to get over someone can turn into captivating music and such is the case with 'The Less I Know The Better".
Lyrique - Live Well
Calgary-based rapper Lyrique just dropped his new album Poetry Is My Pleasure and there's a lot to soak up throughout the 12 tracks. "Live Well" features some smooth verses and chill beat.
Mackenzie Leigh Meyer - Before You
We are loving the melody throughout the verses on Meyer's song "Before You". The singer's warm vocals in this wanderlust-y country pop song has us happily drifting away as we listen.
Parker Graye - Do Over
Thirty seconds into Parker Graye's debut single and we're already wanting more new music from the Vancouver-based singer. "Do Over" is all about past romance, mistakes, people changing...if we only had a time machine to lend to Graye!
Ruby Waters - Quantum Physics
The new EP from Ruby Waters is great start-to-finish, but the guitar accompaniment on "Quantum Physics" has us hooked. Waters' distinct voice glides overtop of the licks in such a catchy way.
Vox Rea - Dose Me Up
Alt-pop act Vox Rea is offering up something seriously dreamy and deep with "Dose Me Up". Moments of the song give us some Florence Welch vibes and we are here for it.
Eat North's Cooking Playlist on Spotify

Our mixed genre playlist on Spotify features 50 songs by a wide range of talented Canadian artists. Give the full playlist a listen below, but also consider giving it a follow on Spotify to stay up-to-date with our weekly song additions.