With a chef elimination straight out of the gates and an arguable frontrunner booted at the end of the episode, Top Chef Canada X wasn't playing around this week!
Here's how the dwindling number of competitors rank after six full episodes of Quickfire and Elimination Challenges.
6. Monika Wahba (eliminated)

Even though Episode 5 ended on a cliffhanger, the writing felt like it was on the wall for Monika. The chef minimally incorporated her "star" ingredient into her vegan dish of Egyptian cabbage rolls, which is never a great sign.
Monika made some really dynamic Egyptian-inspired dishes throughout this season, educating folks along the way, and we thank her for that!
5. Vish Mayekar (eliminated)

After weeks after performing well—and being a general favourite of ours overall—it was rough watching Vish take two big stumbles this week. His "salty and umami" dish failed to impress in the Quickfire due to some out-of-place pickled morels and his Elimination creation of sablefish with lobster farce-stuffed morels disappointed even more.
Poor Vish. We miss him already!
4. Tre Sanderson (last week: 2)

Not unlike Vish, Tre had more than a few stumbles throughout Episode 6.
This chef has always leaned on his creativity and Caribbean roots, helping his food stand out from the pack, so we think it is this mantra that helped the judging panel keep Tre over Vish.
3. Dez Lo (last week: 5)

Winning the Quickfire Challenge with a tasty-looking dish of grilled broccolini and a fermented black bean vinaigrette and then almost taking the top spot with her deboned branzino in the Elimination, Dez really slayed Episode 6.
Now, as part of the Top 4 and headed down to the Cayman Islands for the next two episodes, and if she keeps this A-game up, we'll definitely see her in the finale!
2. Chris Irving (last week: 1)

With an OK performance in the Quickfire and a decent lamb tagine in the Elimination Challenge, Chris was not a standout in Episode 6. His cooking has served him very well throughout the season overall, so it's no surprise that the chef is part of the Top 4.
Eyes on the prize!
1. Camilo Lapointe-Nascimento (last week: 3)

After capturing the win in the Elimination Challenge for a second episode in a row, Camilo has picked up steam and now feels like the one to beat.
The chef has displayed refined skill week after week, so now that he's found himself in a winning streak, why not go for three in a row?